Pastoral Care Ministries
St Juan Diego parishioners are involved in many aspects of the life of the parish. There is an opportunity to use whatever talent and interest you have to help bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community. The following is a list of our ministries that serve within our Liturgies. If you are interested in getting involved in a ministry or would like more information, please e-mail and put the ministry name in the subject line.
Caregiver Ministry
​This ministry provides a number of support resources for Caregivers and additional resources of interest to the Parish community at large including:
The Caring Circle: A quarterly meeting for Caregivers to share their stories, challenges, inspirations, hopes and support for each other in a confidential and faith infused environment.
Respite Care: for those providing primary care for a disabled loved one,
a refuge from the challenges and consuming responsibilities that their loving attention demands. See pamphlet in the Narthex. -
Library of informative pamphlets and books
Semi-annual Parish presentations on topics of general interest to the community. Past presentations have been on “Ethics”, “Nutrition”, “Caregiving”, “End-of-Life Planning”, and others.
To help with this ministry, please e-mail and put Caregiver Ministry in the subject line.
Pastoral Care & Homebound Ministry
Pastoral Care and Homebound Ministry takes communion to the ill and aged who are no longer able to participate in the community, as well as to inpatients of Kaiser Westside Medical Center. In bringing communion to them, the minister of communion represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community.
To help with this pastoral ministry, please e-mail and put Pastoral Care Ministry in the subject line.
Social Justice
The purpose of this ministry is to promote a more just society by meeting immediate and long-term needs of the local and global community. The mission statement is: “In accordance with the teaching of Jesus, to act as both a catalyst and a participant, and to collaborate with both local and national communities, we will affect short-term and long term solutions to build a just society that reflects the Kingdom of God.
To get involved with Social Justice, please email and put Social Justice in the subject line.
St. Vincent de Paul
Food donations are collected at all Masses every second weekend of the month. All non-perishable food and dry goods are welcome. And, you can donate anytime in the St. Vincent de Paul food collection barrel in the narthex.
To volunteer with St. Vincent de Paul, please e-mail and put SVdP in the subject line.