The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services for spiritual works in their parish. Membership is open to Catholics over 18 years of age. Visit our website here!
Objectives of the Legion are:
1. Sanctification of its members
2. Spread of devotion to Mary, and
3. Performance of apostolic work
Duties are:
1. Faithful attendance at one meeting weekly
2. Daily recitation of the Legion prayer
3. Performance of substantial assigned apostolic Spiritual work of mercy weekly. This work is evangelization, with a common example being visits to homes in the parish area.
Here at St Juan Diego, the Legion of Mary meets every Thursday at 5:30PM in Classroom 1 of the Parish Hall.
The Legion of Mary's aims include increasing personal holiness through imitation of Mary and fostering a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother. The Legion also welcomes Auxiliary Members, who are asked to:
1. Recite the Rosary daily
2. Recite the Legion prayer daily
The Legion of Mary offers the following services upon request.
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in your home
Praying the rosary in your home following Our Lady of Fatima's request
To join or get more information send email to olglegion@gmail.com