Liturgical Ministries
St Juan Diego parishioners are involved in many aspects of the life of the parish. There is an opportunity to use whatever talent and interest you have to help bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community. The following is a list of our ministries that serve within our Liturgies. If you are interested in getting involved in a ministry or would like more information, please e-mail sjdgetinvolved@gmail.com and put the ministry name in the subject line.
Ministries within the Mass
Lectors are lay readers who proclaim the Word of God at all the liturgical celebrations of the parish. Lectors are trained to develop the skills to proclaim the scriptures. This ministry is open to all confirmed Catholics who are registered parishioners.
To become a lector, please e-mail sjdgetinvolved@gmail.com and put Lector in the subject line.
Music Ministry
St. Juan Diego Music Ministry consists of those individuals within our parish whom God has blessed with musical talent and the skill to use those talents to lead others in prayerful song. This ministry has something for any type of musician from children and adults who love to sing to participating in instrumental music ministry whether it be piano, percussion, guitar and more. Truly we are blessed at SJD to have been given such a vibrant, participatory and exciting ministry.
To get more information about the Music Ministry, please email Adriel Algiene, Parish Coordinator of Music
PowerPoint Operators
PowerPoint operators run the software that projects the mass responses and songs overhead. The level of participation of the congregation in all aspects of the Liturgy is much greater when the words are easy to locate. Becoming a PowerPoint operator is an easy process and is a vital role for all Liturgies.
To become a PowerPoint operator, please e-mail sjdgetinvolved@gmail.com and put PowerPoint in the subject line.
With great care and devotion, sacristans, under the general direction of the priest, handle the overall preparation of the cruets, chalices, ciboria, and linens used during the mass.
To become a sacristan, please e-mail sjdgetinvolved@gmail.com and put Sacristan in the subject line.
Ushers assist in seating people and making them comfortable for the mass. They attend to any special needs of the parishioners during mass. Taking up the collection and sporadic distribution and collection of materials are performed by the ushers. Finally, after each mass they tidy up in preparation for the next celebration.
To become an usher, please e-mail sjdgetinvolved@gmail.com and put Usher in the subject line.