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Formation & Fellowship Ministries

St Juan Diego parishioners are involved in many aspects of the life of the parish.  There is an opportunity to use whatever talent and interest you have to help bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community.  The following is a list of our ministries that serve within our Liturgies.  If you are interested in getting involved in a ministry or would like more information, please e-mail  and put the ministry name in the subject line.

Faith Formation & Sacramental Prep | Grades 1-5

We are always looking for support for our children's ministries. Support can come in the form of a regular presence at the ministry (leading or supporting roles) or behind the scenes work in preparing materials or shopping trips. All involved in Children's Ministries are required to clear a background check and complete Safe Environment prior to involvement. For more information on getting involved - please contact Kristin Mombert | 971.217.8935

Youth Ministry| Grades 6-12 & Confirmation | Grades 9-12

We are always looking for adults to engage in the lives of our teens. Adults willing to get involved must have a servants heart, ready to walk and journey with these teens. The most important part of the role is loving and supporting our teens and listening to their questions and needs. Adults will always be prepared ahead of time with small group questions and agendas for the gatherings. Training is also provided. 

Adults can serve behind the scenes and as a loving presence or be more involved taking a lead as a small group leader or leading other components like prayer times and teaching points.

All involved in Youth Ministries are required to clear a background check and complete Safe Environment prior to involvement. For more information on getting involved - please contact Kristin Mombert | 971.217.8935

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to serving the parish and local community. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; supporting your local parish and the universal Church; growing in your faith; and enhancing your family life.

Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference.  St. Juan Diego Council 15729 was formed in 2013. We welcome all Catholic men to join.

For more information contact Mark Berning.

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